Questions related to website or data on the website:
How up-to-date is the Limited Access Death Master File (LADMF)?
The LADMF is updated on a weekly basis. The database is updated using data supplied directly by the Social Security Administration (SSA).
What if I notice an error in a record on the website?
NTIS has no control over the data file in LADMF. If you discover an error, you may contact your local Social Security office to request a correction.
What if I notice an error in a record on the website?
No. The LADMF may only contain any of the following data for the deceased person: Social Security Number, Name, Date of Birth, Date of Death. This information may be incomplete for some records.
Information on obtaining the Form SS-5 can be found on the Social Se4curity Administration website (
Does LADMF contain a Certificate of Death document of the deceased?
No. This is outside of LADMF. The procedure for obtaining this document varies by state. You will need to contact your local government for instructions.
What additional information can I find if it is not in my search?
Our search data includes only the information mentioned in the answer to question 3. Also note: LADMF may not contain a record for every deceased individual, and the records it does contain may be incomplete.
Questions regarding Login issues:
I cannot remember my Username/Password. What do I need to do to retrieve it?
On the Login screen, there are link options to select either 'Forgot Username' or 'Forgot Password' and you will receive the necessary steps to help establish your credentials.
Profile accounts, subscriptions, purchases and activities:
Where is my subscription?
Your subscription(s) will be displayed after payment authorization and processing. Once that is complete, you should see any purchased subscriptions in the 'My Subscriptions' link on the left-hand navigation pane (on the top for mobile users).
How do I add users?
If you are a "Customer Administrator”, you may add users under a purchased product that allows for a subscription type for multiple concurrent users, such as 'Medium: Up to 25 Concurrent Users' or 'Large: Unlimited Concurrent Users'.
To add a user to a subscription you will need to be logged in, go to My Subscriptions in the left-hand navigation menu, select the Subscription you would like to add the user to, and click the ADD USERS button at the top of the page. This will bring you to the Register page where you may add the new user's information.
Do I need a separate Username and Password for each user?
The two required unique identifiers in your profile for the LADMF System are Username and Email address account.
It is good, however, to have a unique Password, and each password must conform to the following guidelines:
Your password must be a minimum of 14 characters and maximum of 16 characters long, with both lower and uppercase letters, and at least one digit and one "special character" (ex: !, @, #, $, &, or *); A password may not contain the word 'PASSWORD'.
Note: If you need to reset or want to change your Password, your new password may not resemble your previous password.